Monday, June 21, 2010

Gettin' My Clock Back On Schedule...

I've gotten into this really bad habit of staying up way too late, which has also lead to sleeping in way too late.  Since I'm going to be getting a job soon, I really need to get my body clock back on a normal person's schedule.  I started this week trying to make myself wake up earlier so that I am tired earlier.  I woke up at 9:30 this morning and I'm going to try to wake up at 8:30 tomorrow.  I figure that I can eventually work my way to 7:00 and if I get the job that I'm aiming for I will have to adjust that to 6:00 or 6:30.  I just don't want to make myself lose too much sleep trying to adjust my schedule.  That being said, I've got to make sure that I get to bed pretty soon tonight.  On another note, I told my parents about my situation last night.  They seemed to take it pretty well, but I could hear the disappointment in my dad's voice.  I hate knowing that I've disappointed my dad.  It's worse than him being angry with me for something.  However, now that they know, they are planning to come down and help me move.  I hope this works out like I want it to.  I agreed that I would make sure to be gone before my boyfriend goes to pick up his son for the weekend, just so that all of this isn't going on with him here.  I understand why he wants it that way, and have been planning on getting out of here Friday since he goes to pick up his son on Friday night.  My parents don't realize the importance of getting out on that particular day, but I think I convinced them that I really need to be done Friday.  Everything seems to be falling into place, so I just am going to have to trust that it will keep going as planned.  I'm getting boxes tomorrow and should be packed up by Wednesday.  Then I will get the last of everything packed on Thursday so it is ready to go.  My plan is to be well prepared and organized so the process will go smoothly and, most importantly, quickly.  Well, it's off to bed for me!

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