Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Unemployment Discussion...

I have been unemployed for almost 4 months and have been relentlessly searching for a job since before I left my previous employment. I have put in at over 100 different jobs, using many techniques: email, telephone, mail, in person, etc. Having no luck, I have scoured the internet looking for ways to improve my search. I have updated and improved my resume trying to make it more appealing to possible employers. I have adjusted my cover letter, tried multiple ways of following up trying to not be over-anxious, and even lowered my standards as to what type/level of job I am seeking. I would be happy with anything at this point. Yet, I have still had little luck. In researching the internet I have come across articles on the current unemployment crisis. Some mention that many people have stumbled upon the same problems and have literally given up. This takes them out of the count for unemployed, therefore causing the appearance of a lowering unemployment rate. So while many may say that the job market is improving, I think that it is actually the opposite. Many of these people are not only giving up the job search, but in an effort to survive, going back to school. I myself have even started considering this alternative. This raises some questions however:

Are people going back to school mainly to take advantage of financial aid?

I'm sure some of the unemployed have prepared for such an event and have a stash of emergency funds available to use in just such a scenario. I would venture to guess that, like me, several of these people have run their emergency fund dry, as well as running up balances on credit cards. So one solution might be to go back to school and utilize the leftover funds from financial aid. If you have high balances on credit cards and no job, it's very likely that you are unable to secure a loan by any other means. And, contrary to what some may think, there is almost always a few thousand leftover after your financial aid pays your tuition. I know, I received that extra for 5 years, and it came in very handy in college. So, I'm not going to lie, I have definitely thought about going back to school with this as one of my top reasons. I also like the fact that after getting another degree, such as an MBA, I have instantly increased my chances of getting hired quickly and getting offered a better paying position at the same time. Which leads me to my second question...

What degrees are most likely to get a person hired quickly into a well paying position?

For that, I have relied mostly on my research and present these articles as my answers:

I have also posted these links in the margin for easier access.

If a person goes back to school now, will the job market improve enough by the time they finish their degree to make it worth it?

This is open for discussion. I'm not for sure what my answer to this question would be. I do think that no matter what the job market and unemployment rates look like, getting another degree will improve a person's chances of attaining a job. It comes with a catch though...It will only help if it is the right degree. Ultimately, I have to agree with the long time saying: It's not what you know, but who you know that counts.

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