So I think I mentioned before that I have been searching relentlessly for a job. I had actually already started the search for something better before I lost the job I had. I have been on this quest for 3 months, I have applied and sent resumes for over 100 different openings, and I've managed only a few interviews for which I was notified afterward that they were considering others for the position. It's a very frustrating process and even though I know that I'm not the only one that is having a hard time finding work, sometimes I feel alone just the same. I beginning to think that those positions for which I'm qualified for, I'm actually over-qualified for. Personally, I would be happy with any job as long as it paid me, but it's as if they think I'm going to demand to get an unreasonable pay rate and then come in and try to take over the place! I'm not saying that some people wouldn't, but in a time where everybody is having difficulty finding a job (and keeping it) you would think that most businesses would understand how desperate people are right now. Well, enough complaining...I've decided that I'm going to increase my marketing potential. I'm going to go back to school and get my MBA. I've been exploring several different options, and of course in today's world several of those options are online. It's amazing the number of degrees and certificates you can get strictly online without any visits to a physical campus. I'm unsure that I want to get my MBA strictly online. In fact, I think I would prefer the extra attention of attending campus classes. Everyone is different, but I always focus better when I don't have any other distractions. At home I can easily be distracted by television, other people, or the most likely distraction...the internet. There is actually a really great MBA program at a university where my sister lives, so I could actually combine moving to a new place with going to grad school. However I end up getting my degree, the result will be an extremely higher chance of landing a job more quickly. I've been reading up on the job market possibilities and the probability of getting a higher paying career. It seems there are several big companies that are projecting hiring hundreds, even thousands of new employees in the very near future. I have also read about the majors and degrees that not only have a better chance of getting hired shortly after graduation, but also average higher starting salaries for new grads in the workforce. I like the idea of being better prepared and stabilizing my future. I still have a lot of decisions to make, but things seem to be getting clearer as I figure out what direction I want to go with my life and how I'm going to make it happen.
Top-Paying Entry-Level Jobs For College Grads
10 Big Companies That Are Adding Jobs
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