Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I am NOT a Millennial!!!!!

Check out this great article in the Kansas City Star!

Marketing Campaigns Now Tailored For Millennials

So I very much agree that marketing has evolved quintessentially especially with the advancement of sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc...But seriously, the "experts" need to realize that people born in the 80's should not be lumped with those born in the 90's.

We share different values, different life experiences, and we did not grow up online and with cell phones (these things came about and developed popularity when we were in high school/college). In fact, some of the most popular online fads were created by 80's babies (Mark Zuckerberg, born 1984).

And it seems to me that the Baby Boomers seem to judge us by the Millennial label, thinking that we are always texting, always tuned out to what is going on in the real world. While I know there are those my age that tend to over do it on the texting, Facebooking, etc, I also know the majority of us exercise logic and restraint. These things were introduced to us after we were kids. We know what it's like to live without and we know the importance of sometimes just doing things the old fashioned way.

We don't NEED to be connected to technology 24/7, even though we do realize the great advantages of being connected. We know how to go without, and we often get fed up with it at times and just turn it off! How do you think we have time to come up with all these new innovative ideas?

If anything 80's babies relate more to Generation X simply because a lot of us have siblings from that generation. Just a thought to ponder, but I think they need to come up with an entirely different generational name for 80's babies. Maybe Generation Innovation?

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